School opened 21 January 2009: Dedication, Institution of Office-bearers and handing over of Founding Documents and Endowment: at a date to be announced soon.
visitors since 29 June 2008
At St. Cyprian’s tuition will be given through the medium of the English language. The school will conform to the South African National Curriculum Statement, while ways to complement it and enhance it will be sought. We have appointed well-qualified and experienced teachers. Each learning area will follow its own curriculum statement as set out by the relevant examination body/ies.
GET: All compulsory learning areas Music Drama Art
FET: Four compulsory subjects: English; Afrikaans; Maths/Maths Literacy;
Life Orientation.Plus: Music; Drama; Art with a possibility of Dance studies.
Other elective subjects as desired/requested, for example: Science; Biology; History; Geography; Accountancy ; Business studies; Computer studies.
A junior feeder school section is now part of St Cyprian's Grammar School.
Which grades will be offered?
St Cyprian’s Grammar School will offer tuition from Grades 7-12 (GET and FET phases) PLUS the Junior feeder school grades.
Post Matric: opportunity for outreach
It is often the case that students are unsure of what they would like to pursue after school or that they wish to become more proficient in an area before embarking on Tertiary education. Currently, some Diploma courses have been offered successfully in this way in Music and Drama. Other similar courses in other subjects need to be similarly explored.After a student has completed his/her SA Matriculation, they might wish to take advantage of this Post Matric year to broaden their opportunities. It is anticipated that this will provide unique possibilities for outreach and development work in the wider community.
Adult/co-curricular education: teacher support programmes
It is envisaged that adult education classes could be held in the evenings, and music/drama/art/dance classes in the afternoons offered to students from schools which do not offer these as a subject. This is looked upon as an extension of expertise into the community as well as a way of generating extra income for the school.These programmes could serve to establish a centre for teacher support for the district and province, particularly in fields of music and the performing arts.
Application and entrance procedure and criteria
An admissions policy and procedure is to be set out for the school to attract and provide opportunities to talented young people applying to the school. It is anticipated that this would involve setting up a selection panel and stipulating criteria to sustain ideals of excellence without compromising inclusivity. These will include tests in language proficiency, interviews and references regarding discipline and other scholastic issues which will be scrutinised by a selection panel. Scholarships and bursaries could be sought to enable prospective talented students not normally able to afford the opportunities represented by the school.
In reality, no institution of this nature could provide an educational service of such high standard and excellence completely free of charge. The basic tuition fees for 2009 have been set at R2000.00 per month (February to November) - i.e. R20 000.00 for the year. Various payment options will be made available.
Grants and scholarships
For students who cannot afford the fees or part thereof, but have been identified as well-deserving of a place at the school, we will be able to offer a limited number of scholarships/bursaries or some sort of support funding. Such students should typically show exceptional promise/talents and/or high academic results and possess a good school record.
A comfortable day-to-day uniform, which will be suited to Kimberley’s extreme temperatures and to the activities taking place during the school day, has been designed. A more formal second uniform would be needed for special occasions such as concerts, prize-givings etc or whenever the students are required to represent the school at official functions.
We have appointed well-qualified and experienced teachers who share our vision (as set out in our mission statement) and give expression to a strong work ethic and high levels of professionalism. We would wish them to be willing to share their expertise in other similar projects/outreach. We would encourage them to engage in cluster groupings for their subjects.
Safety & Discipline
The safety and well-being of all who learn and work at the school are addressed in policy and practice. The values set out at the head of this document should be enshrined in all the endeavours of the school.
Positive reinforcement
Students will be positively rewarded for their achievements. This would help to build up self esteem in students who are academically/culturally healthy, productive and confident in their school careers and beyond. Teaching staff would set up structures for students to work towards achievable goals, with incentives such as Honours/ Colour/Merit awards etc.
Daily timetable:
School day will begin at 7.30am with a short Church service and assembly.
Daily choir and music practice, etc, both at group & individual levels.
The time-table will take into consideration Kimberley’s climatic constraints, hence placing more difficult subjects such as Maths/Maths Literacy near the beginning of the day in summer. Official school day to end at 14h00.
Extra-curricular activities 14h00 – 17h00.
· Supervised homework sessions
· Regular study clinics to assist with research techniques, time management, examination preparation etc
Students to be encouraged to engage in extra-curricular programmes offered by sister and related institutions such as:
Music lessons at the Academy of Music
Art lessons at the Art Centre
Ballet/Dance classes
Sport at private clubs or any accommodating schools
Computer or IT classes at specialized institutions„
Research activities at William Humphreys Art Gallery, McGregor Museum, Sol Plaatje Museum, Africana Library, Wildebeest Kuil.
A shuttle service will be offered to facilitate the above sport and extra- curricular activities.
There will be a canteen/cafeteria offering small meals in view of the length of the school day.
School year planner
As in most standard schools, events such as Prize-Givings, Matric Farewells, Parent evenings, Art and school work exhibitions, Music Evenings, Information evenings for new students etc. will be planned and held. A calendar for 2009 has been drawn up.
Test series and Examination sessions.
These will be planned timeously and copies of schedules distributed to all relevant parties i.e. students, teachers and parents.Tests/examinations will fulfil the requirements of the curriculum. The nature and timing of testing is critical to the learning curve in each student’s academic portfolio and will be treated not only as a form of assessment but also a way through which students can further their scholastic excellence and be rewarded through achievement.
Healthy competitive situations are productive learning opportunities and are to be entered into responsibly. Learning from others in the same field of expertise and sharing one’s own skills are fruitful exercises. Whether competing in one’s own area, provincially, nationally or internationally, these types of activities will increase the standard of work at school and will also enhance the image of the school within the community locally and further afield. These activities will include the following.
- Kunsfees/Arts Festival /SA Schools Eisteddfod
- Maths Olympiads
- Science Expos
- Music Performing competitions
- Literary/Writing/Language Competitions
Connection with the cathedral
Students will be encouraged to participate in activities of St Cyprian’s Cathedral, where opportunities exist for musical performance, including singing in the choir and an African Marimba group. Other opportunities include joining the altar servers and, in the future, bell-ringing, as well as involvement in community service.
International links
A Diocesan link currently exists between Kimberley & Kuruman and Oxford in the United Kingdom. Active steps have been taken to afford students the opportunity to communicate with those at a similar school within the Diocese of Oxford.
Weekly newsletter
A weekly newsletter will keep parents and learners informed of all matters, including events, achievements attained, birthdays, etc. Maintaining the ‘personal touch’ with all involved with the school would be one of the ways in which it will seek to live up to its values and work to sustain the morale and positive outlook of its students and teachers alike.
The Board of Governors will meet once a month so that the smooth running of the business side of the school in ensured. All administrative and financial issues would be addressed and problems averted or solved as soon as possible. Forward planning to ensure the on-going success of the school must be of paramount importance in these meetings.
Parents will be invited to attend a meeting once a term where they will be kept informed of all matters at the school. It would also be a time for them to bring up any ideas or pressing issues that they would like to raise for discussion and possible resolution. Teachers are to be available at these meeting to discuss the students’ academic progress with parents.
A day/weekend will be set aside before the end of each year where concrete planning for the year ahead will be completed. All important dates, decisions regarding work allocation and portfolio planning will need to be addressed. Any problems of the previous year will be brought to the table and competently solved so that they will not be repeated in the following year. Likewise, every activity should be scrutinized to see whether improvements could be made to better them in the succeeding year.
Below: St Cyprian's Cathedral, Kimberley, 2007. Photo: David Morris, Lay Canon.