Buildings, windows and furnishings 15172visitors Neo-Gothic building: Nave 5 Mar 1907 - Bishop Gaul of Mashonaland (previous Rector of St Cyprian's) lays Foundation Stone: "To the Glory of God and in the Faith of Jesus Christ, this stone was laid by the Rt Rev W.T. Gaul, D.D., Bishop of Mashonaland, on Tuesday March 5th 1907." 13 May 1908 Dedication of the Nave of St Cyprian's Church. Chancel 22 Sep 1913 Foundation stone Chancel laid by Viscount Gladstone (Gov Gen). For some years nothing more was done than to raise funds. Ultimately after the Great War it was decided that a fitting memorial to those members of the congregation who had made the supreme sacrifice would be to build a dignified Chancel. 4 Dec 1926 Dedication of Chancel by Archbishop Carter - memorial to members of congregation who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. Lady Chapel 1936 - foundation stone for Dean Robson Memorial (Lady) Chapel, Mrs Euston Brown Bronze plaque in Lady Chapel: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Thomas Claude Robson, 1905-1934, this Chapel was given by many friends, 1936". 24 May 1936 Lady Chapel consecrated by Rt Revd T.S. Gibson Cathedral Tower 23 Aug 1959 Service for the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Tower by the Revd Canon F.W. Smith, M.C. "AMDG This stone was laid by Francis William Smith, Canon and former Dean of this Cathedral. Sunday, August 23rd 1959." 26 Nov 1961 Evensong and Dedication of the Memorial Tower by His Grace the Archbishop of Cape Town, the Most Revd Joost de Blank. Columbarium "The Columbarium in this Tower was dedicated by Archbishop Phillip Russell, Metropolitan + 11-7-1982. AMDG." Stained glass: the Gospel in Glass Baptistery The Baptism of Our Lord Given in memory of "Eustace Herbert Raynham, Born 24th September 1893, Died 19th January 1974. Peace Perfect Peace." The Three Calls - Steadfast in Faith, Joyful through Hope and Rooted in Charity "These windows were erected to the Glory of God and in memory of Euston B. Brown, one-time Registrar of this Diocese, Feb 3 1924." The Lord is my Shepherd"In memory of Wilfred Orr." Nave The windows of the Nave, starting at the south porch, tell the life-story of Jesus. An interesting feature is that most of the lower windows swivel in the middle, opening to allow maximum air-flow in Kimberley's summer heat. South Side The Birth of Jesus: adoration of the shepherds. (St Luke 2:1-20).Given in memory of Mary Hirst Watkins, 16 May 1835 - 20 Aug 1905. The Epiphany of Jesus: adoration of the Magi. (St Matthew 2:1-12).Given in memory of Ellen Mary Watkins, 6 Dec 1856 - 15 Dec 1908. Jesus found in the temple. (St Luke 2:41-51).Given in memory of Eleanor Catherine Cuyler. RIP 21 Apr 1904. Baptism of Jesus. (St Mark 1:1-11 and St John 3:22-36). Given in memory of Sister Henrietta (Stockdale) CSM & AA. RIP 6 Oct 1911. North side The Transfiguration of Jesus. (St Matthew 17:1-13 and St Mark 9:2-12).Given in memory of William George Selling. The triumphal entry by Jesus. (St Mark 11:1-11).Given in memory of Leonard William, Emma Minnie, and Francis William, children of William George and Minnie Selling. The agony in the Garden. (St Matthew 26:36-46).Given in memory of Fr Arthur Lewin de Monteney Mertens, RIP 10 Apr 1915. The crucifixion of Jesus. (St Matthew 27:32-55).Given in memory of Alfred Gunning, RIP 13 Jun 1919. Nave Clerestory The stained glass windows of the clerestory of the nave, were designed and crafted by Estelle Valle and depict a selection of the dramatis personae of the scriptures. They were added in the last decade of the twentieth century and in the opening years of the twenty first. Enhancing the beauty of the cathedral, these symbol-rich windows serve also a didactic purpose and encourage a contemplative and devotional spirit. The project to fill the clerestory with stained glass was launched and supported by Dean Justus Marcus, who also wrote devotional texts on each of the windows for a booklet illustrated by the artist. Old Testament figures inhabit the Dean's side, while the Precentor's side is filled by New Testament ones. AdamIn loving memory of Ian Keeley, 1926-1994 and Doris Keeley, 1923-1994, RIP. EveIn loving memory of Joan Hatton 1929-1997 and Jillian Lesley Howes (nee Hatton), 1958-1982. The Blessed Virgin MaryDonated by Parishioners of Monument Heights Cell, 1999. The New Adam (Jesus) In loving memory of Herbert Cornelius Rose, 1934-1998. MosesIn loving memory of Gwen Marsh Chapman, 1914-1996. ElijahIn loving memory of Mavis Dorothea Paulse, 25 May 1931-21 May 1998, RIP dear loved one. JosephIn loving memory of Clifford Bothomley, 1901-1984, Eileen Bothomley, 1902-1999, Michael Bothomley, 1932-1977. John the BaptistFrom Donald Watson, rejoicing in my remembrance of the cathedral, 1999. DavidDonated by Nicky and Strilli Oppenheimer, December 1999. SolomonDonated by Nicky and Strilli Oppenheimer, December 1999. In loving memory of Florence Helen Buck, 22 Oct 1911-8 Jun 1998. PaulIn loving memory of Blanche Amelia Knowles (nee Viggers), 28 Mar 1899-25 May 1996. IsaiahDonated by Bishop Bavin School St George's, Johannesburg, 2002. JeremiahIn affectionate remembrance of Roland Thomas Kader, 6 Oct 1939-17 Jan 1993. MatthewDonated by Roger and Louise Ketley in joyous celebration of Matthew, June 2002. MarkDonated by Roger and Louise Ketley in joyous celebration of Anne, June 2002. EzekielDonated by Bishop Bavin School Mothers' Club St George's, Johannesburg, 2002. DanielIn memory of our beloved son Mark van Eden, 11 Apr 1985-21 Nov 2001. Be at peace. Donated by his father and mother. LukeDonated by Revd Dr and Mrs Morgan Ellis, 2002. JohnDonated by Mr and Mrs Richard Olfsen, 2002. West window "To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Lieut Wm Newby, R.A.F. Killed in action in France Oct 29th 1918, and buried at Rejet-de-Beaulieu." Dedicated April 1923? North transept The Great Resurrection Window. (St John 20:1-18)(Not often seen in a cathedral) This window includes the proclamation of: Christ as The Sower (St Luke 8:1-15); Christ the Good Shepherd (St John 10:11-18); and Christ the Light of the World (St John 8:12).Given in memory of James Alfred Hill, RIP 27 Jan 1910, and also of James Sydney MacKenzie, RIP 28 Jun 1909. St Cecilia The patron of music. (Ephesians 5:19-20)"To the Greater Glory of God. The window above this arch was given by her family in loving memory of Mavis Morris (1896-1961), who worshipped in this cathedral all her life. Her contribution to music in this city is symbolised by the window depicting St Cecilia." Uriel the ArchangelMentioned in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch as one of the "seven Angels who stand ever ready to enter the presence of the Glory of the Lord". Traditionally regarded as the Archangel leading the heavenly worship, often holding a thurible or musical instrument.A thanksgiving gift from Kay Henderson, 1984. The Heavenly Beasts with the Lamb. (Revelation 4:1-11).Symbolic of the completeness of the worship of the Perfect Passover Lamb who is the Risen Lord. The inscription reads: "Jesus Christ lives"; and the flag is the Resurrection symbol. A thanksgiving gift from Kay Henderson, 1984. The plaque below these two windows reads "In thanksgiving from Kay Henderson. RIP 6-3-1990. AMDG 1984".
South transept The Holy Spirit Window1st Lancet: The Seven Sacraments (St John 20:21-23); Centre: Pentecost (Acts 2:1-17); 3rd Lancet: The Blessed Sacrament (St John 6:53-56). "To the Glory of God in Loving Memory of John and Mildred Busbridge and Edward Parks, Kimberley Pioneer and Diamond Digger. This window was dedicated by Graham Bishop of Kimberley and Kuruman on Sunday 5th March 1978". This thick scintillating glass is set in concrete by the artist Leo Theron of Pretoria. St ClareAn ardent follower of "Il Poverello" and of noble birth. She is reputed to have repulsed the Saracens by blessing them at St Damiano's with the Monstrance. "In thanksgiving for the ministry of both Bishop George + Sylvia Swartz, 1983-1991. AM+DG"Given by Cathedral Friends. St Francis "In loving memory of Graham Lloyd from Sheila and family. 1927 RIP 1989. Artist + Leo Theron". The Chapel of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary(Dean Robson Memorial Chapel) Jesus and the Holy Mother. (St Luke 2:41-51). (Victorian dress).Given in thanksgiving by L.A.M. 1937. The Carpenter's Family. (St Luke 2:39-40).Given in thanksgiving by L.E.R., 1946. St John cares for our Lady. (St John 19:26-27).A gift of the Mothers' Union to the Diocese, 1939. Magnificat: Our Lady and St Gabriel the Archangel. (St Luke 1:26-38)Two Annunciation windows above the Altar. Our Lady given in memory of Amy Hill, RIP 23 Jun 1935.St Gabriel given by the St Cyprian's Women's Association, 1936. Chancel Clerestory Apart from the three Apse Clerestory windows depicting the Archangels Raphael, Michael and Gabriel, given in memory of Bishop Gore-Browne, the Chancel windows depict the "Friends of Jesus". The Dean, the Very Revd Fr Roy Snyman, TSSF, obtained permission from Bishop Graham Chadwick to work on this theme. They were blessed and hallowed by the Rt Revd George A. Swartz on Advent Sunday, 3 December 1989. Fr Roy Snyman comments: "As one gazes upon the windows, one is moved to realise that the lives of Christians should be like stained glass, which catches the light of Christ and pours it into worship and service with the richness and variety of colours as diverse as the various talents given to man." 15172visitors St Simon of Cyrene. (St Matthew 27:32). He carries a green cross which proclaims the new life Jesus gives us through his cross as Saviour of the World.Given in memory of Katherine Vincent, RIP Jan 1964. This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. St Veronica. (St Luke 23:27-31) One of the unknown women of Jerusalem who mourned for Jesus and whose kind ministry (in legend) gave her a true likeness (veron ikon) of Jesus on her towel, and hence her name. Given in memory of Louise Nel, RIP 12 Oct 1982.This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. St Joseph of Arimathea. (St Luke 23:50-56). Reputed to be the rich merchant uncle of Jesus who legend says took Him to Glastonbury in England. He gave his own garden tomb to the Saviour. The sun is darkened as a reference to Good Friday. Given memory of Lional Hall, RIP 3 Jan 1986.This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. St Mary Magdalene. (St Mark 15:40-41 and St John 20:10-18). This wealthy woman from Galilee was restored to health and holiness when Jesus delivered her from seven demons. She ministered to the Lord and the disciples out of her wealth and was granted the joy of being the first person to see the risen Christ. The symbols of the "sunburst", treasure box and a basket tell all. Given in memory of Janet McKay, RIP 9 June 1989.This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. St Peter. (St Matthew 16:13-19). The Apostle called to Jesus by his brother Andrew became the first of the Apostolic leaders and the first to call Jesus the Christ. He left his nets to fish for men in Christ's name. A net and keys feature in this window, as do the Arms of Pope John-Paul II as Bishop of Rome, successor to St Peter. A thanksgiving gift from Lou Orr-Peitersen, 13 Sep 1989. This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. St Mary of Bethany. St Luke (10:38-42). One of the sisters of Lazarus (and of Martha) and close friend of our Lord. Her character suggests a call to Christians to have a contemplative nature. Given in memory of Olive Grant Vigne McIntyre, RIP 13 Jul 1990. This window was made by Glyn Lamprecht formerly of Pretoria. The Archangel Raphael. (Tobit 11:1-15 and 12:11-22) Representing men's petitions to God, his name signifies "God heals". This and its two companion windows in the apse above the high altar was given by Mrs Ashe in memory of Bishop Gore-Browne. They were dedicated by the Dean (Robson) on 25 June 1933. The three windows are the work of James Powell & Son of London. The Archangel Michael. (S Jude v9 and Revelation 12:7-10). Captain of the Hosts of Heaven, protecting the people of the Lord from the onslaught of the devil and the fallen angels. This and its two companion windows in the apse above the high altar was given by Mrs Ashe in memory of Bishop Gore-Browne. They were dedicated by the Dean (Robson) on 25 June 1933. The three windows are the work of James Powell & Son of London. The Archangel Gabriel. (St Luke 1:26-38 and St Matthew 1:18-25). The messenger of God. This and its two companion windows in the apse above the high altar was given by Mrs Ashe in memory of Bishop Gore-Browne. They were dedicated by the Dean (Robson) on 25 June 1933. The three windows are the work of James Powell & Son of London. St Martha of Bethany. (St John 11:1-44). Sister of Mary and of Lazarus, who recognised the divinity of Christ. Given in memory of Marjorie Marchand, RIP 11 Apr 1990. This window was made by Glyn Lamprecht formerly of Pretoria. St James the brother of John. (St Matthew 4:21-22). Not to be confused with James-the-less, "the Lord's brother" and first Bishop of Jerusalem. St James was reputed to be the Apostle who went on a pilgrimage to convert Spain (San Diego) - hence the staff, water bottle and shell. A thanksgiving gift from Gordon and Shirley Dally, 1 Nov 1989. This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. St John the Beloved. (St John 13:23-26 and 21:20). With his brothers James and Peter, John was present at most of the important events in the life of Christ. He had the place of honour at the Last Supper and concludes his Gospel with the claim of being a truthful and accurate witness of the teaching and life of Jesus. A thanksgiving gift from Lou Orr-Peitersen, 13 Sep 1989. This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. Bishop Wilfred Gore-Browne Elected first Bishop of Kimberley and Kuruman in 1912. The coat-of-arms of the Diocese was registered by Bishop John Boys and heraldfully depicts the regional significance of diamonds, with a triumphant cross counterpoised in black and white proclaiming the joining together of people who are different in Christ's saving love. Given by Sheila Lloyd in thanksgiving and in memory of her parents, John and Mary Craig, 1 Nov 1988. This window also gives thanks for all Founders and Benefactors. This window was designed and made by Estelle Valle of E.V.E. Crafts, Alberton. Ambulatory St AndrewGiven in memory of Isabel Emma Murphy, RIP 15 Jun 1937. St Margaret of ScotlandGiven in memory of Louisa Jane Healey, 1862-1933.Dedicated by Dean Robson, July 1934. St CyprianA gift from Perseverance College. "On Sunday 14 January 1934 the Dean [Robson] dedicated a window in the Sanctuary presented by the Perseverance people." The book he holds represents his learning. His execution by the sword is represented at the top of the window. The window is the work of James Powell & Son, London. St AlbanGiven in memory of Emma Jane Pearce, RIP Oct 1911. St Elizabeth of HungaryGiven in memory of Louisa Jane Healey, 1862-1933.Dedicated by Dean Robson, July 1934. St George Given in memory of Edith Susan Vigne McIntyre, 1949.
Siege Children's window This art nouveau window at entrance to Lady Chapel, comes from All Saint's, Beaconsfield, removed from there when that church closed in 1981. Featuring St Michael the Defender, the victory of good over evil, the inscription reads: "In memory of the children who died in the siege." The window was given by the Juvenile Church Working Party of All Saints Church, and unveiled by Bishop Chandler of Bloemfontein in 1906. "To the Glory of God, Restored 1988. Hurter Nesbit". Stations of the Cross Designed, carved by Bill Davis, formerly of The Grange, Hopetown. (Had previously - 1957 - designed Diocesan Christmas card). Chapel of the Deposition (formerly St George's Chapel): Jacopo Palma painting This may be the only genuine painting in South Africa by the Venetian master Jacopo Palma (1544-1628). It hangs behind the Altar in the Chapel of the Deposition (it used to be St George's Chapel). In 1954 Basil Humphreys wrote that "the vast majority of the great religious paintings by Old Masters are to be found in churches and cathedrals throughout the world, and it is fitting that in our growing and graceful cathedral a start should be made in the accumulation of works of art which may stir in the beholders feelings of glory and praise not unlike the feelings of those who were stirred to create visual representation of what they felt." Other paintings In September 1921 an "enlargement of the Good Shepherd" had been presented and was being hung in the then Lady Chapel. Comment made - "what a large number of pictures hang in the vestry". Behind the Altar in the Lady Chapel is a reproduction of the Sistine Madonna painted in 1515 by Raphael (1483-1520). The painting expresses the mystery of the Incarnation. Other reproductions are of Raphael's Madonna Di Casa D'Alba and works by Fra Filippo Lippi (c. 1457-1504) and Gerard David (Haarlem, c 1460-1523). Flags and Regimental Colours The North Transept, particularly, contains reminders of Kimberley's colonial past, including memorial plaques and Regimental Colours which were laid up here. King's Colour presented by H.R.H. Princess Christian, 10 Oct 1904 for service in the war 1899-1902. Lain up at the Cathedral, 1908. Queen's Colour, Kimberley Regiment, Laid up at Cathedral on 30 May 1961. King's Colour, 1st Battalion, Kimberley Regiment, presented by H.R.H. Prince Arthur (on behalf of His Majesty King George V) on 28 Feb 1921, for service in German South West Africa, 1915. King's Colour, 2nd Battalion, Kimberley Regiment, presented by H.R.H. Prince Arthur (on behalf of His Majesty King George V) on 28 Feb 1921, for service in German South West Africa, 1915 Regimental Colour presented to the Kimberley Regiment by the Guild of Loyal Women, 19 May 1907 (KR is affiliated with Loyal Lancashire Regiment). King's Colour, Diamond Fields Artillery, in recognition of services rendered to the empire, 1904. Cape Auxillary Horse Transport Corps, Transvaal, Natal, C. Colony, OFS - Unity is Strength. Presented to Kimberley Boy Scouts by the Mayoress, Mrs W. Gasson, December 1911. Flag without inscription. National Flag, Diocesan Flag of St George; Companion Diocese. Etc (recent additions). Plaque at entrance to Lady Chapel: "Flags presented by our Companion Diocese of Atlanta, United State of America, 13-9-1987". Memorial plaques Bryan Thomas Knights "In Memoriam: This tablet is erected in memory of Bryan Thomas Knights. Many years Church Warden of S Cyprian's, Kimberley. He was drowned at sea by the foundering of the homeward bound steamship "Drummond Castle" off Ushant, on the night of the 16th June 1896, when all lives were lost save three. RIP." John R. Skinner"In loving memory of John R. Skinner, second son of the Reverend Robert Skinner, British Chaplain Cologne, who departed this life 6th May 1891 aged 33 years near Lydenburgh Transvaal. Deeply regretted by all who knew him. This tablet is erected by his affectionate and sorrowing wife and parents. Released from earthly toil and strife/ with Christ is hidden now his life." Cator family"In Peace. In loving memory of Catherine J. Ernestine wife of George Charles Cator of Kimberley who departed this life 14th August 1876 aged 28 years; also of Margaret Hall Cator married to the above G.C. Cator on October 28th 1879 who departed this life 30th March 1901 aged 58 years; and of their children Emily Beatrice Elma died 25th March 1882 aged 13 months and Elma Mary born 4th March died 16th July 1883 and Albemarle Charles Theodore Cator born 16th Feb 1876 died 29th Sept 1913; and the above George Charles (pioneer) who entered into rest 12th March 1935 nat Vevey, Switzerland, in his 94th year." "And Catherine May Fisher nee Cator, died 2nd November 1953; also her husband Edward Montagu Fisher died 21st July 1955; also their youngest daughter Muriel Grace Cator who departed this life 16th November 1978." Organ 1936 Bronze plaque below organ: "To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Amy Henrietta Hill, at rest June 23 1935, this organ was given by her son Thomas Alexander Frederick Hill, 1936". Bronze plaque: "The organ was restored and enlarged after 50 years through the generosity of parishioners and friends. Hallowed and blessed by Bishop George Swartz. AMDG 26-XI-87 Roy Snyman - DeanEric Sulter, Graham Lloyd - Church WardensMelvyn Forster - Alt Warden, Appeal ChairmanPeter Black - OrganistMaster Organ Builder - James RiadoreAssisted by: Samuel Foster, Charles February, Harold Lemmetjie, Charles Hart." Pulpit In memory of Bishop Gaul of Mashonaland, former Rector, who laid foundation stone of cathedral in 1907.Carving was by Mr Edgar Rose. Rose arrived in Kimberley in 1890, and was assistant to A Davison, Chemist in Stockdale Street. In October 1890 he was licensed as a Lay Reader to assist Mr Stenson at St Matthews and with mission work in the Malay Camp. After a time spent in England, at St Augustine's Canterbury, he returned to South Africa and was sent by Bishop Hicks to Thaba N'chu and then to St Patrick's Bloemfontein. Married (1912) Lucy Paddison, a wood carver, and together they did the carvings for St Patrick's. In 1929 the family moved to Natal.The commission to carve the memorial pulpit was received in 1933. This was in Dean Robson's time, and Gibson was Bishop. Mrs Rose recorded receiving 100 Pounds - which included the cost of the timber and he cabinet maker's time. The making up was done by Newcombe of Durban, from where it was railed to Kimberley. Altar etc from St Edward's Kenilworth The beautifully carved altar and credence table in the sanctuary came from the Church of St Edward the Confessor in Kenilworth after it closed. The brass candlesticks and cross [latter now on credence table] on the altar were used for the lying in state of Rhodes' body on its journey from the Cape to the Matopos. Lectern Originally at St Edward's Kenilworth. "To the honoured memory of Cecil John Rhodes died 26th March 1902". Sanctuary Lamp "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Maud Brown, the Sanctuary Lamp was presented by her three sons." Chalices 1885 The Widow Brown provided St Cyprian's with its beautiful best set of Holy Vessels in memory of her husband (who died Festival of St James, July 1883). The story is given in a letter from Bishop Gaul. The chalice was copied from an ancient XIV chalice used at Bailiel College Chapel, Oxford. The paten was made to match and the cruets were handsome and massive. The vessels were consecrated "To the Glory of God and in Memory of Edward William Brown. Feast of St James 1885". Canterbury Cross East of the south porch, a replica of the 8th century Canterbury Cross, a gift in 1935 from the friends of Canterbury Cathedral. Church House 6 Feb 1979 - Mass of Thanksgiving and Official Opening of the new Buildings, by Thomas S. Stanage, Suffragan-Bishop of Johannesburg; Blessing of the New Buildings by Graham, Bishop of Kimberley and Kuruman. Followed by Reception and Exhibition of Anglican Art, Past and Present in the New Hall. 15172